Discover the process to bridge the gap, 9 benefits, and 5 pitfalls that prevent IT teams to succeed.
Achieving seamless alignment between business objectives and IT strategies can be a formidable challenge in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. Yet, without this business-IT alignment, companies can’t fully leverage technology as a driving force for growth and innovation.
In this article, we’ll answer the following questions:
In a well-aligned organization, business and IT departments work collaboratively to leverage technology as an enabler for achieving business goals, driving innovation, enhancing operational efficiency, and gaining a competitive advantage.
Business-IT alignment goes beyond mere technology implementation. It encompasses the alignment of processes, people, and systems to ensure that technology initiatives directly contribute to the organization's overall business outcomes.
But alignment does not happen by accident. To drive successful change management that aligns your IT professionals and their business colleagues, CIOs, IT leaders, and business leaders have to address the challenges that impede this alignment.
Next, let's delve into specific steps to align your business and IT professionals.
First things first: to get the business-IT alignment right, you've got to set common goals that align with your overall business strategy.
Business professionals should take the lead in driving digital transformation initiatives, ensuring that technology initiatives are directly linked to business objectives. But IT professionals should collaborate on goal setting, making sure they mirror the technological capabilities of your IT departments. This way, the goals are relevant to both teams.
Common goal alignment gives participants incentives to collaborate, aligns priorities, and lowers the communication gap between different stakeholders.
So, how do you establish strategic alignment in practice beyond collaborating on common goals?
Business professionals traditionally call the shots when it comes to business decisions. While they're experts at understanding business needs, they often lack the know-how to best translate business challenges into business results.
This is where IT professionals shine. When they have a seat at the decision-making table, IT specialists can recommend the optimal solutions to tackle business challenges.
For example, you can improve the customer experience in multiple ways:
Each approach has technological trade-offs and complexities. Your IT professionals can help you pick the best solution for your business needs.
One of the biggest challenges to business-IT alignment is the skills gap. Lack of technical knowledge among business stakeholders and limited business understanding among IT professionals can hinder alignment efforts.
The lack of business savviness is compensated by common goals and collaborative decision-making.
But how can you increase the know-how of your non-technical experts? How can they work alongside IT professionals to create products that delight the end users?
Education and talent development initiatives are one route, but they take time and it can be a while before you see concrete business results.
A better approach is to empower your non-technical with the right information systems and tools. For example, Keboola can be a big help here:
Choose tools and solutions that include features designed to empower both your IT and business users to work together on solutions that your customers will love.
Lower the friction and resistance with the right change management approach:
Once you've established this successful practice, it's time to extend it throughout the organization and encourage other departments and professionals to join your initiative.
To win minds and hearts, it’s best to lead by example, not force. Demonstrating the value of your business-IT projects across the organization can inspire others to get on board with your initiative.
Consider using tools like Keboola’s Activity Center. The Activity Center centralizes the metadata and telemetry data into a single location, covering all your infrastructure and technical projects. It brings together all the data you need—from infrastructure costs to progress statuses and underused resources—giving you a comprehensive 360-degree view of everything happening inside your organization. All you need to do is pipe the data into a BI tool to visualize all the key metrics and KPIs reflecting your initiatives.
There are 9 advantages to aligning your IT teams with your business units:
Olfin Car is a leading seller of new and used cars in the Czech Republic with additional services in the field of financing, authorized car service, and insurance.
They were challenged with aligning their IT workforce with their marketing and sales departments to achieve faster growth.
By relying on Keboola to automate IT heavy lifting, Olfin Cars was able to:
The result? Olfin Cars increased its sales by 760%.
Unfortunately, advantages are not always easily accessible. Prepare yourself for the challenges ahead, so you can lower the friction of change management.
Five main challenges hinder business-IT alignment in modern digital businesses:
IT leaders and business leaders who successfully bridge these challenges unlock many benefits for their organizations.
You can solve these challenges faster and get ahead of your competition with Keboola - a solution that accelerates your business-IT alignment.
Business and IT alignment never happen by accident. Communication and culture are important levers for your business transformation, but having the right tools that support and streamline your initiatives can accelerate your path to success.
Keboola offers all the tools in a single end-to-end data platform that helps you automate all your data operations and align IT initiatives with business processes.
As an awarded leader in this space, we have helped companies large and small transform their businesses by aligning IT and business units into a cohesive business growth engine:
Curious how much faster you could grow with Keboola?
Give us a call and let’s discuss how to build the roadmap to successfully align your business and IT operations.