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With the restaurant industry going through its biggest challenge in living memory, speed of decision making has become more important than ever before. As budgets are slashed and high risk decisions are made, restaurant owners need access to data quickly without a major integration project.
Learn how Keboola collaborated with Looker to build Looker blocks and Keboola scaffolds that assist customers in creating data pipelines and use cases - in minutes rather than months.
Join us for a webinar, where our data and analytics experts will focus on customer reviews with NLP (Natural Language Processing) models trained to recognize any pandemic related content. We will also showcase the overall capabilities of both platforms and discuss other relevant data sources and business questions.
About Looker
Looker is a new kind of analytics platform that lets everyone in your business make informed decisions - from anywhere. Across industries, today's most data-driven businesses use the Looker platform to do more with their data.
About Keboola
Keboola is a data operations platform that moves teams forward. Keboola empowers data teams to do their best work through collaborative workspaces, smart automation and always-on security.