A step-by-step guide to automate your data pipeline and get back time for high value work.
Picture this: you come to work on a Monday morning and need to review data last minute to prepare for an important meeting. However, instead of being able to quickly refresh the data and cross check numbers one last time, you pull up your massive excel spreadsheet that you painstakingly cobbled together and notice something doesn’t add up. You frantically start cleaning the rows, moving the data around, and praying to the data gods that this is a blip and not a manual error that somehow you spawned.
You are not alone. More than 40 percent of employees say they spend at least a quarter of their week on manual, repetitive tasks.
How do you know your organization needs automation? Keep an eye out for these red flags:
High-performing teams are aware of the repetition toll and are already leveraging automation to get ahead of the game. We will explore the best practices they use in automating data analysis and engineering while pointing out the common pitfalls to avoid.
In this step-by-step guide, we will cover:
A marketing manager wants to understand whether their digital campaigns are driving business results. Sounds simple, right? When breaking down the tasks involved, things actually get quite complicated:
It is only after performing all these repetitive steps that the marketing manager can finally get to work, and start analyzing the data.
Though this example is based on marketing, other departments suffer from the same curse of repetition. C-suites look at the same performance reports each week. Sales analyze sell-out and upsell conversion data — finance gauges revenue vs. cash flow streams, HR looks through attendance and performance reports over and over again.
“There’s a lot of automation that can happen that isn’t a replacement of humans but of mind-numbing behavior.” - Stewart Butterfield, co-founder of Slack and Flickr
Automating reports is by no means easy, but the process can be broken down into three steps:
A common pitfall to avoid: not predicting how the data will be used. Teams might decide to collect data on a weekly basis until they grow and realize they need to look at daily reports. If you are unsure, default to the smallest granulation possible, and then use automated reports to do the heavy lifting for you.
“On a quarterly basis, I give important feedback to the stores, and it only takes me about 30 minutes to put together the source materials and information. Before [using Keboola for automation], it took me a whole day.” - Jan Langer, Sales Director of Sklizeno
Before data can be analyzed, it must be gathered. Data engineers work diligently to provide quality data via a process called ETL (Extract data from its sources, Transform data into the format needed, Load data into the database).
The ETL process has been the go-to solution for data engineering for over 4 decades. However, there are some common pitfalls to keep in mind.
ETL pitfall 1: Underestimating long-term maintenance.
Here are some common long-term costs, which are usually underestimated:
Solution: There are two possible solutions. Invest in a strong monitoring system, which covers your entire pipeline. When an error occurs, alert your engineers to fix it. This still incurs a cost of engineering hours for fixing issues, but it speeds up response to malfunctioning systems. Alternatively, deploy tooling which can get this done for you. Tools like the Orchestration API can assist you in speeding up the process of deploying changes to your pipeline without having to alter each module separately. The Data Health App can be used to validate input and output data to prevent jamming your data pipeline with corrupted, misshaped, or outdated data.
ETL pitfall 2: Underestimating the demands of transformation.
Raw data is rarely ready to be analyzed. First, it needs to be transformed into the correct format and matched across different data sources.
These are some of the common challenges organizations tend to overlook:
Solution: While the majority of ETL systems come with some out of the box functionalities that help data transformations and cleaning, make sure to have an abstraction for the regular business rules of how your data should look like. We recommend using solutions like the Transformation API, which covers the majority of use-cases out of the box. Additional benefit? The Transformation API is versioned, so you can easily roll-back and stop worrying about manually backing up or documenting transformation when tinkering with data.
ETL pitfall 3: Underestimating scaling issues.
As companies grow and scale their infrastructure often lags. By the time they realize the extent of their technical debt, the cost of scaling has already been incurred.
Scaling accumulates technical depth in more areas:
Solution: Build your stack modularly, so each module can adapt to changes independently. Are you already locked into a suboptimal software solution? Decouple it. Scalability and growth were one of the main reasons why we decided to use a modular architecture broken down into APIs for Keboola Connect.
Every company faces this dilemma: should you build the system yourself or buy one of the best solutions? Both have pros and cons that require careful consideration.
Building incurs smaller initial costs at the expense of slower growth. Buying has a slightly higher initial investment, but speeds up your growth, while also freeing up engineering and analyst hours for more revenue-driving work. Additionally, opting to buy the right tool also gives you enterprise security compliance. With Keboola, you don’t need to worry about the additional work surrounding data security as you grow.
If you are considering automation, Keboola is the full-stack platform that you need to help you get a leg up. Hop on a call and let’s discuss your options.